Can Missoula Build Back Better Without An EDA Strategy?

by Travis Mateer

The first question readers probably are asking themselves, after reading the title of this post, is this: what the hell is an EDA strategy?

To answer that question, here’s Grant Kier of the Missoula Economic Partnership explaining how Missoula has been WITHOUT this critical strategy for years now (emphasis mine):

“MEP has been focused on the income side of how to improve people’s live, but we do have to be mindful of the affordability side,” said Kier. “Part of our mission is to ensure that everyone has access to every opportunity they choose to seek in life and paths forward to make progress. But we also know there’s a lot of folks in Missoula who love where they are, love their job and lifestyle. They’re not looking for more income. So how can they continue to do well and afford to stay in the place they care about?”

To answer that question, MEP has worked over the past year to explore the conditions around economic recovery, and it’s developing a comprehensive economic development strategy to guide the way.

The strategy is prescribed by the Economic Development Administrations as a way to plan the economic future of a community. In the past, Missoula hasn’t had one, Kier said.

We’ve been without one in Missoula County for the better part of seven or eight years,” Kier said. “We have been one of the only communities in the Western U.S. that didn’t have one of these plans in place, and because of that, we’ve been at a significant disadvantage, or even unqualified for some forms of funding from the Economic Development Administration that would help us form our goals around economic development.”

Now that you’ve read this excerpt you know that EDA stands for Economic Development Administration. But did you know the EDA is pushing the BUILD BACK BETTER messaging of the globalists?

To give readers a little more information on the BBB message, here’s some context from Wikipedia about how this term was first introduced to the world in 2015:

Building Back Better (BBB) is a strategy aimed at reducing the risk to the people of nations and communities in the wake of future disasters and shocks. The BBB approach integrates disaster risk reduction measures into the restoration of physical infrastructure, social systems and shelter, and the revitalization of livelihoods, economies and the environment.

BBB was first officially described in the United Nations’ Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction document, which was agreed on at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held on March 14–18, 2015, in Sendai, Japan. It was adopted by UN member states as one of four priorities in the Sendai Framework for disaster recovery, risk reduction and sustainable development. The UN General Assembly adopted this document on June 3, 2015.

And here is how the EDA is taking this messaging and putting it into practice with its funding opportunities:

The Build Back Better Regional Challenge is designed to assist communities nationwide in their efforts to build back better by accelerating the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and building local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks.

The $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge will provide a transformational investment to 20-30 regions across the country that want to revitalize their economies. These regions will have the opportunity to grow new regional industry clusters or scale existing ones through planning, infrastructure, innovation and entrepreneurship, workforce development, access to capital, and more.

Missoula is just a microcosm of a macro-effort by globally-obsessed central planners to radically reshape society, and they will be trying to accomplish this massive social engineering experiment with money infusions from entities like the Economic Development Administration.

This will be an important topic to remain aware of in the months to come, so stay tuned here for continued analysis of Missoula’s economic schemes.

Thanks for reading.

About Travis Mateer

I'm an artist and citizen journalist living and writing in Montana. You can contact me here: willskink at yahoo dot com
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